BPQ Mail Server User and SYSOP commands
? or Help: Displays a list of commands. A : Abort the BBS output while paging. B or Bye : Disconnects from the BBS. CMSPASS Password: Sets Password for access to Winlink COM Servers. D Num : Flag NTS Message(s) as Delivered. FILES or LISTFILES: List files available for download. Home : Enters or modifies the Home BBS. A point deletes the current Home BBS. I : Display sysop - provided information about this BBS. I callsign : Gives the information on callsign taken from the white pages database. Callsign can include wildcards. I@ bbs : Gives the users of BBS found in the WP database. IH route : Gives the users of the hierarchical route area from the WP database. IZ Zip : Gives the users of the ZIP code area from WP database. K-commands delete messages sent by you or to you. K msg# : Deletes a message identified by its number. KM : Deletes all the messages addressed to you, that you haven't yet read. L-commands list message headers. L : Lists the new messages since the last usage of this command. Lx : List messages with status "x" - x can be D F N Y $. LB : Lists bulletins. LC : Lists all Bulletin "categories" (TO Fields) LM : Lists the messages to you. LL n: Lists the last n messages. LR : Equivalent to L but the messages are listed in reverse order. LT : List Traffic (NTS-messages). L< Callsign : Lists message from [Callsign]. L> Callsign : Lists messages to [Callsign]. L@ [BBS] : Lists the messages VIA BBS. L msg#- : Lists all messages, starting from msg# L msg#-msg# : Lists messages between the given numbers. N : Enters or modifies your name (max 12 characters allowed). NODE : Exits BBS and returns to Node. OP nbr of lines : Enables or disables the paging of output. POLLRMS : Enables or disables polling RMS for messages for you. POLLRMS Enable POLLRMS Disable POLLRMS SSID1 SSID2 SSID2 (for the base call, specify SSID of 0) eg POLLRMS 0 1 15 will look for messages to CALL, CALL-1, CALL-15 The sysop can also set the flags for other users. eg POLLRMS G8BPQ Enable Q : Enters or modifies QTH. R-commands read messages. R msg# msg# : Reads the messages by their numbers. RM : Reads new messages to you. READ Name : Read File from Files area. S-commands send messages. S[type] callsign : Sends a message or a bulletin. If the type is not specified, it will be sent as private. SP callsign : Sends a private message. S callsign @ BBSCALLSIGN : Sends a message to a station AT another BBS. The message must be terminated by a Ctrl/Z or /EX followed by a return. SC Msg# Callsign @ BBSCALLSIGN : Copies a message or bulletin to the specified callsign. SR Msg# : Replies to a message. V : Displays Version number of the BBS and Node software. X : Toggles Expert Mode. YAPP Name : Download file from File area. Must be issued from a terminal supporting YAPP, eg UZ7HO's Easyterm. Z : Enters or modifies the Zip Code. The following commands can only be used by the SYSOP AUTH : Authenticate for Remote SYSOP access. Use program BPQAUTH to generate passcode.. DOHOUSEKEEPING : Run Housekeeping process EXPORT : Export Message to a file. Type EXPORT for details. FWD : Manage Forwarding. Type FWD Help for details. EDITUSER (EU) : Manage Users. Type EU Help for details. IMPORT : Import Messages from a file. Type IMPORT for details. KH : Kills Held Messages. K< Callsign : Kills message from [Callsign]. K> Callsign : Kills messages to [Callsign]. LH : List HELD messages. LK : List KILLED messages REROUTEMSGS : Rerun message routing process SETNEXTMESSAGENUMBER : Sets next message number SHOWRMSPOLL : Displays your RMS polling list UH : Unhold messages. Either UH ALL or UH msg# msg#...
John Wiseman, G8BPQ
Updated December 2020